środa, 8 listopada 2017

So you are ‘god’, eh?

So you are ‘god’, eh?

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

Now when people find out they have spiritual powers early on, or start to dabble with the occult, many times they found out it works kind of, which leads many people to just immediately assume that they are "Gods". This is normal, as at this level people compare to other random people to whom it doesn't take much to be made a "God" towards, especially if you have basic occult knowledge for example.

As always, a reason some particular people hate me is because I have high standards for members and instead of focusing everyone on bullshit, I rather bring some realism, which is so much needed, up for inspection.

Over the years, and in tens of thousands upon books written about the occult, you will find totally an endless amount of information. Some good, some bad, most not even worth reading and reversed Talmudic Judaism or Christianity parading as something else. In other sorts, if one escapes the realm of useless fantasy and the hoax that one is a 'learned man' just by reading or studying, one will find themselves thoroughly naked.

The least thing you will find is actually claims that are proven in some way (not in the scientific sense but by deeds). In other words all people know theory, but only the 0.1% of occultists do know facts. Most others are hovering in the realm of theory and minor application. This is where Theory actually divides and becomes real knowledge, that is dependable and real.

How I see the people of the JoS, even if people are transforming to that state, is the Spiritual Elite of the Future. A spiritual elite CANNOT put their hopes in lies, and cannot by all means be tormented with severe delusional paranoia. The Spiritual Elite of the future cannot be deceived, but if needed it can deceive. Let me show an example.

One person is ill. They need to heal themselves. Some retarded person who is a new ager tells them that because they have the power of God in them, if they say it only "once" that they are healed, they will be healed of severe illness. No need for doctors, no need for actual and deep healing workings that apply any light, no need for vibration, no need for lifestyle changes, whatever.

So the person does this "god affirmation" thing and they feel this retarded sense of fake euphoria that comes for a minute after they have said a lie to themselves, later only to disappear, so then they worsen and worsen, keep following this kosher advice, then they deteriorate, and die.

Maybe new agers can go down the drain like this, but cursed be those who can save Satan's children from this rut and don't do it, and even more cursed the retarded and those who do the enemy's work and actually PROMOTE such stupidity...

Over the years I have chased away many people who claimed they were "Gods" and other infantile idiots who do nothing. Being "Gods" as they are, we are all 'unworthy' of their massive wisdom, and attention. We have to beg and become their little whores, and if so we become, they will tell us some unreasonable bullshit that leads absolutely nowhere.

Because what is their godlike power again, none, just bullshitting people and have a bad habit of talking really big, but never, ever following through. This is a disaster. Satan frowns upon these idiots, and this is why Satan decided to restore the "Brotherhood of the Serpent" around this block, which should resemble the Ancient Egyptian one. In other words, it must be based on realism.

Most of these infantile brains, instead of spending their time actually trying to achieve results and get in touch with Satya, which is the source of all power and Truth, rather use their little brain power to self-induce a reality of their own lies instead. This weakens them massively, and of course this comes with the risk of sucking other such people in their rift of bullshit, because guess what, they are vain and they need a following to re-affirm their bullshit (ie, raise energies).

In other words they are weak and they cannot achieve their acclaimed 'god status' by themselves, but rather depend on external faith of individuals. This attitude is forbidden in Spiritual Satanism, plain and simple, as Spiritual Satanists who take this seriously are important and we have better things to do.

One needs to stop feeling guilt that is created by having unrealistic expectations for one's self. One example is how people just thought that some person gave them a stone and that voila, you will become Immortal. This is massive deception so to say. Of course many people will grow childishly furious now at me, because they like to think they finished the Magnum Opus and they will never age again. Until they are around their 50's or 60's and they need to actually *DO* the Magnum Opus.

So I'd rather have people shout at me over this, than guide or show the light towards bullshit to simply placate weaknesses on people as they THINK they need now.

The reality is you don't need a lot of bullshit in your life. There is an infinite amount of lies and bullshit outside of Satanism if that is so interesting for you, there is NEVER a shortage of deception and crap. You can always have your fill so to say. It doesn't have to be here though. This places people on serious dangers.

Real power is a power you can depend upon. As you can depend on your legs to run, so you can depend, when you have real power, to always save yourself, manifest your desires, and actually ACHIEVE THINGS. These will also manifest in the material realm and become realities, this is not some vain theory. This is the power of "God".

As for those retarded enough to call themselves "Gods" when they have no telepathy, hardly any intuition, hardly and magickal power to make anything happen by themselves but only try to recruit astral slaves, hardly any knowledge about their future- and let's not even raise the standards higher- these people are simply retarded. They are kidding themselves first and foremost and whom they put in serious danger is firstly themselves. But to also ask for a following of naive SS to put in your back and destroy equally, that's crossing the line.

Again the question here is this: It's good to have a positive outlook. By all means, believe in yourself fully and completely. It's good to affirm great things to yourself or whatever. But if you do absolutely NOTHING? So you believe you have intuition, but are you working on it, have you mastered it?

Let's set an example of what it means to be a God: Adolf Hitler, one of many examples we can talk about. Adolf Hitler didn't sit on twitter trying to claim he is a God. He was useful and loved by most of us, definitely worthy of respect by all if people don't really feel love. Why? He actually benefited all people and saved Europe from extinction and what he did was undeniable. Now that's an actual influence of a God here, worthy of a pantheon. In other words there is no way a person is advanced and they don't have respect.

Because unlike many self-claimants and other retards, he actually did things for his people, which affected us and the future of our existence. Here you have a God self evidently. He wouldn't call himself one either, because he knew there were beings even higher than this level to which to many it seems like God. His giving of knowledge and ideas was actually really based on strength, fortitude, and what is eternal so to say.

If Hitler was sitting in a hut and just meditating, all of that would be potential, useless.

Potentially, even a cockroach or mice is overlord of the universe. In actuality, it's just a cockroach though. The self proclaimed quitters, retards and Gods such as those who have passed from this group and abandoned it while making claims, don't deserve any attention as they are deserters and worse. Not only this but many tried to generate a false idea over their weakness and quitting on the groups. I'll tell you a fact, none of them are in the Himalayas meditating, sorry for again shattering another myth. But we need real myths to move forward.

It doesn't take any power or fortitude of personality to get to the mountains and meditate. It takes perseverance and power, and is a real show of Satanic love and brotherhood to stay here for the future generations of Satanists. To actually sit down and share your experience, answer these billions of questions you have heard a billion times over, as many children of Satan do. This to me is a GODLIKE ability that many do not possess. As for running like a coward and deserting so many others who would need your knowledge and help, this is most ungodly behavior.

Imagine if Satan and the Gods gave us up and didn't help us advance, we would all be in the middle ages eating grass by now. This is why Satan is above "God". "God" is nothing but a potential energy or force. It's Gods and Masters like Satan that actually make something about it.

As for those retards who go and assimilate into "God", good riddance, we don't need them here anyway if they don't have any intention of manifesting such energy. By all means they must go and assimilate into their hut, straight into the Atman, and return there and stay there forever, and let others to actually advance humanity rather than these beings of vanity.

Any claims, have to be followed through, and those who follow through, need to make no claims. It's self evident.

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