czwartek, 23 listopada 2017



Author: HP Hooded Cobra 666

Every now and then, some website spawns and has to steal all the info, plagiarize it and then pass it off as its own. Even the way this woman writes is totally distorted and her phrases and words don't make any logical sense most of the time. Those who know the jews and the way they whine, talk and other things, know that Ms Caroline "Bright" is not so Bright and that we can see right through.

In fact, she pampers the same old trump of the Anu and Enki scheme, which has been proven to be false. The JoS has been here for a decade, leading Satanism and was the first webpage to make Satanism what it is today... So these mistresses and people who cannot create anything, copypaste and then scorn us, you can see them for what they are.

In JoS, we are the Leaders of Spiritual Satanism. People like it or not, we have been leading this for a long while. Every month there is some new copycat site, someone who flames us, someone who will write lengthy posts to scorn and call names, some stuck individual who never asked Satan "How are you really" and will never know. All these people ever know is their stuck brain. These people are afraid to call Enki… Satan.

Oh, it seems the jews literally made their brains soap from the brainwashing. Enki will always be Satan for me, I will call Him Satan. He *IS* Satan. The enemy of all that goes around in this planet, all the wrongdoing, all the injustice and all these rotten people and institutions. I will not change how I call him, that he is their enemy, I will not change my beliefs and I will not tolerate "Safe Satanism" because of whatever reason. These people want it all; they want the power, they want to know Satan, but at the same time contain him in some tiny can.

When JoS was taking the Lead and the Heat, these people were still breastfeeding and now, they come out of nowhere to flame, scorn and try to destroy. When JoS led people out of the darkness of xianity and the related programs, saved many Souls by meditation and helped many people raise their Serpents and so forth, where were these people? Making the checks up with their kike friends? Arranging their monthly income for work and scamming people to, spiritually, NOWHERE? Unfortunately for these people, Satan has been and will forever be with us. Those fearful individuals can go ahead and sugarcoat... They may as well call Enki "jesus" because its more politically correct… And more acceptable… And maybe crucify themselves for mankind's Sins… Because its acceptable by the jews… And because the jews would like it… AND BECAUSE THEY ARE THEIR FUCKING SLAVES IN THE SOUL, that’s the whole reason.

Those who know us, know us. Those who don't, learn by the enemy advertising and it has brought us so many people who were seeking the Truth. This time, it will be no exception either.

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