wtorek, 28 listopada 2017

Sexual hang-ups and the Serpent

Sexual hang-ups and the Serpent

Author: firebird894

I woke up out of a very intense dream after opening my Sacral Chakra. It was too personal to share, except I now really understand about how past connections to a person can restrict and effect present life. There was something still holding me back I wasn't consciously aware of, and it was brought to my attention in a way I completely understood and I released it. It was such a healing experience for me on so many levels. It was something big that I was able to finally clear and I feel so much better. There is no chance it was a coincidence. I had been holding onto this for over 15 years and was not even aware of it.

Sexual and emotional hang-ups can be the worst and hardest to heal. Opening this Chakra was a very real experience it was intense but I know beyond all doubt now my Serpent is definitely real and waking up. Belief is one thing, KNOWING is something else and no one can take that from you.

When your opening a Chakra you will know you have hit the mark you will feel it, and it might be hours later you will feel it even more. It is about feeling the vibration in the Chakra. It is much more simple than people think. I ordered the CDs from the JOS to help me but the most important is getting that vibration right into the Chakra and the repetitions.

Most of this is a lot more simple than some seem to think. The further you go the easier it gets you start to really look forward to the next stage. You let go of more and more hang ups and you really start to feel free. I can really feel things changing now I am aware of an extra level of consciousness within me hard to describe it is like I feel like saying 'She' is ME but like a different level of awareness to what my mind is used to. There are no fears or hang-ups there of any kind at all. The only times I have had any discomfort or unpleasant experience during energy work is if I have got scared and let negative thoughts creep in, or if I have fought the process out of fear or uncertainty.

A while ago Satan said to me, 'just let go just feel it, just let it move, stop fighting it'.

I understand now what He meant. There have been moments where I have felt intense rushes of sexual energy leading to orgasms when I wasn’t even expecting it. If you have any hang-ups from religion or social conditioning with this you might feel embarrassed or ashamed, scared of your own feelings and thoughts. There is nothing to be embarrassed about it is a natural healthy part of the process of awakening and raising the Serpent. This is healing, it's your soul and body removing blockages, the life-force is sexual. If you try to stop or block it you are sabotaging yourself. This is why religion has worked so hard to make people afraid and feel guilty over natural sexual energy.

If you feel any shame or disgust over your body or others, that should be another warning flag for you that you still have enemy hang-ups. It is so important to heal these and get past them I can't stress it enough. The media of the world, every religion is constantly pumping anti sexuality, unhealthy sexuality, unrealistic body image, cheapening sex and body image basically blasting Gentile minds and souls with garbage designed to make you feel uncertain, embarrassed, ashamed, fearful, ugly, not good enough, dirty, a pervert, slut all these words they get deep into the mind and work to undermine you and those around you. Nowhere else in nature do any of these problems or hang-ups exist. The results of all this negativity can be seen in the big RHP religions, as the acting out of unnatural and abusive sexual acts on children, women that should be obvious to anyone.

So if you are having trouble with your energy work, with meditations, before you start saying it doesn't work you need to look to yourself first. The chances are you have some issues buried in you that you need to face and let go of. If you are really struggling, ask Satan for help ask for the Gods to help you to understand and heal this, they understand and know what problems we face. There is no shame in it. Keep up what you are doing no matter what we all are different and what takes a few months for one of Us could take a few years for another and that is OK. Don't beat yourself up over it just keep going.

I will add a personal experience to this to illustrate how this energy can really heal and get things moving in you. I hurt my lower back a few days ago twisted it moving some heavy things I shouldn't have. This is the second time I have done it and the second time I have healed it in less than 48 hours.

Basically I began by breathing energy into the area of the injury and then began to very carefully move my lower body in serpentine like movements sort of like belly dancing only slower and more gentle. After a while I went into a trance and something else seemed to take over I think it was my Serpent. My breathing came into rhythm with the movements I did not even have to think about it.

(off topic but I am of the mind this form of dance was originally Satanic and like much else used for helping to awaken / raise Kundalini and Serpent energy since this is the effect I have personally had from doing it combined with trance states)

After a while my back was getting warmer from within and the energy became quite sexual after about half an hour all pain was gone and all stiffness and I was able to move freely and it has not returned.

An added benefit is I also cleared a blockage in that area I think that led to me hurting myself in the first place. My energy has been moving more freely since.

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