czwartek, 16 listopada 2017

The parasite throughout centuries and nations

The parasite throughout centuries and nations

 Author: HP Maxine Dietrich

No other race has caused the world the heinous problems the Jews have and this is nothing new. It goes back centuries.

In ancient times, the Phoenicians, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Romans and many more had incessant and major problems with the Jews.

This never stopped. Ever heard the word "pogrom"? When the Gentile populace is at their wits end and completely exasperated, their children abducted, tortured to death and used for blood sacrifices by these kosher monsters, when the populace is so up to their ears in debt, being poisoned, and having their health ruined by Jewish doctors, then in many placed, pogroms ensued.

A pogrom is a mass attack and killing of Jews. This is not few and far in between or a few isolated incidents. It is frequent and has been ongoing through centuries.

Jew is a Jew is a Jew… First and foremost, always. Ancient nations tried, but failed to assimilate them, same with the Ancient Romans, with numerous European countries, medieval times, all over the world.

They are parasites and cannot survive without a Gentile host. This is at the soul. They ruin the economy, get the entire nation in debt to them, marry into notable and Gentile families, such as kings, and others with wealth and influence (the biblical book of Esther is a subliminal for this), they take control of everything, take it over and then rule over the nations they infest; an invisible empire.

In spite of being forcibly segregated, such as in ghettos (this is where the word originated), they do not keep to themselves or leave the Gentile populace alone. Continuously throughout history, all over the world, they have been a most serious problem.

The Jewish alien soul does not, nor will ever become a member of any Gentile nation. Wherever they infest, they remain Jews. People need to wake up. They are an alien race and an alien soul (from out there).

For those of you who are forced to go to church, have the vicious alien lie of Christianity jammed down your throat and have lingering hang-ups, you have the Jews to thank for this. They invented the bible, Christianity and Islam. These three are responsible for all of the evils in the world.

No other people in this planet has even compared to anything like what the Jews are. They are alien.

When Western Europe expelled them (the Jews have a very long history of being expelled from nearly every country except for the USA. This, like pogroms has been going on for centuries. The populace reaches a limit to where Jews can be tolerated no more), Europe entered the Renaissance.

Jewish authors always try to extol their own, bragging about the scientific discoveries and such from Jewish doctors, scientists, etc, but truth be known, if Gentile nations were not infested with the Jews and their nefarious influences, Gentiles would not only have discovered these and much more, centuries ago, but science would be light years ahead. Rome, if left alone and not brought down by the poison of Jewish Christianity, would have eventually put a man on the moon.

The Jews headed east to Poland and Russia and in that area, only to destroy these countries with Communism later on. Jewish communism (which has its foundation in Christianity), has been responsible for the mass murder, torture and destruction of over 100+ million people. Where the inquisition left off. The Jew infested Catholic Church was the KGB of the Middle Ages. This vile institution of Jewish rot also is responsible for murdering and torturing millions of innocent people.

Jews also have a history of persecuting and preying upon each other. They only really come together when there is some outer threat.

I also want to add, HP Hooded Cobra, received a nasty letter he shared with other ministry members that was from a Jew, claiming to be a "Theistic Satanist." This was very revealing in that this Jew, like all of them identifies with their Jewishness first and foremost, even while claiming to be a Satanist. The Jewishness is always of the most importance with both their agenda and identity. Anything else comes behind that.

They are not, and cannot assimilated, no different from cancer cells. This same old shit has been repeating itself for over 3,000+ years.

This history is not taught in the schools. Gentile humanity has been extremely stupid in the way of repeatedly trying the same old attempted solutions (which are nothing but endless and abysmal failures) in trying to deal with them.

The Gentile world needs to wake up.

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