sobota, 18 listopada 2017

The Racial Matter and Combating Enemy Attacks

The Racial Matter and Combating Enemy Attacks

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

Greetings to all our Comrades and Family.

Now, I will start from something that has been around lately. This is in fact very, very old and it’s just another repeated trick for those who are old. Yet it confuses some members. As we all know, there is the law of action and reaction. Unless one can evade the consequences of their actions, they will be met with the reactions. For those of you who are fighting the enemy daily, making efforts to advance yourself, spreading the Truth, just know this: Do not give one single damn about any "enemy" thought. Ignore them totally. Thoughts like "I may be Jewish" that are repeatedly playing in your mind, when you know and always knew you were not, are to be laughed at. They are merely afraid of you and your attacks and they are trying to bluff you in inactivity. The parasitic greys and filths of the enemy, as we have stated, they act no different than robots. They will go round robin around what they have found to be your weakness, or they assume to be such. This is why their mental crap is repeated and robotic. In the end, they accomplish nothing at all, but it is harassment.

Sometimes you might have strange thoughts that are obviously not yours. Feeling nice and confident one day and the other feeling whack and your mind going nervous, this is the sign something has interfered. Not as in physical sensation, but as in astral sensation. It could have been your diet or some physical reason, so always check these entirely - but sometimes, this is not the case. Especially for those who are fighting for Satan. It’s some sort of crap. If they could tell you that you are a butterfly they would. Would you believe this? Obviously not.

The robotic idiot enemy may attack you. You do not have to expect it or anticipate it, or draw it upon yourself. It may happen it may do not. Good protection and daily cleaning of your chakras, ensures these will get lessened. Also, DEPROGRAM YOUR MIND BY ANY SUCH PROGRAMMINGS THAT ARE DRAWING ATTACKS TO YOU. This includes the childish "I must prove myself", or "I am badass and therefore I may get attacked", or "I deserve this because I work for Satan", or "Its normal to receive attacks" or "I do get attacked because I am too strong" or "Because I am too weak" or "Because I love candy". Whatever it is, just remove this from your mind. The less strife with this, the better. Although this is unavoidable, without setting the fires yourself so to say, it will be easier. Attacks are, but at the same time are NOT validations of what you are doing. They are, because yes they will try, but they are NOT, because you can combat them efficiently and therefore, 2-0 score against the enemy, for you and us. Most of the time we are getting attacked as a group.

The enemy is not merely sitting by to watch, as they know, they are liars, deceivers and they are nothing but an alien mafia that is trying to run the planet and enslave the Gentiles while keeping them under their spiritual control. They also do not have any "god" whatsoever. They are waging war straight up with us and on Humanity in general. The stupid guy in the clouds named "Jewsus" or "Jokehova" are nothing but maligned spiritual allegories. The bible is a book of witchcraft. Just type "Spiritual war against Demons" or "Satan" and you will see they are using these magical books and shit to attack Satanists and Satan. They attack us because we definitely exist and because Satan is a real being. They know the Gods exist and that they must do anything in their power to suppress the breakout of their work. The Demons were always our Gods and they were always our guides. Teams of the enemy are doing this every so often to attack us, in more obvious or less obvious ways. They obviously result in failure, as they are backed up only by lies, but one must be aware of what criminals they are. Nobody knows them or has seen them better than us. You cross the line of the Truth and shit their lies... Then you see the armies of the dead trying to attack you, which makes everything evident about who is the "good" guy. Satan is the Good God and the Truth.

Even their way of attacking is robotic. Bad thoughts repeating themselves in your head for instance. They attack like an algorithm. Over and over. After a while that all their attempts have failed and they have lost control over you, they will spare the time to attack newer persons. After a while they get attacked by us, they search for their pieces and then faintly might inject in your mind whatever thought, so you will spare them another defeat while you are confused. Those who are close to Satan are mostly immune from that filth. Self-knowledge also paves the way for this. The Egyptians stated to always keep the 3rd eye open and this is spiritually a fact. This is the Eye of Satan which the enemy hates more than anything else. The open 3rd eye, when empowered properly, you will be able to see, hear, know beforehand and know the source of any impending attacks. This is a serious advantage on your hands, which is self-knowledge. In the case of the above, its lack of knowledge.

Jews are of a vastly different perception than Gentiles. This might confuse you now, but what I can say, they never "wonder" if they are jews, where they are standing and that sort of thing. They know. They don't simply experiment like you do, because when one is a kike, they are a kike and this is in their blood. They can whine and cry, smile and laugh, say they 'like' Satan or whatever, but this is only for the show. They can't and are not made to be with Satan and they know it. This is all part of their act in trying to confuse anyone that they are the same as anyone else. No different than how someone knows they are human or something, jews know they are jews. They feel and are attracted totally, they feel totally comfortable and lovely with their jewish crap and programs. Maybe you never stood to think that you are human, but you take it in the given. The same goes with the jews. Their minds take it in the given that they are jews. What changes is how conscious someone is of this. You might not have THOUGHT you are human, but all along you ate, drank and lived like a human. This extends further, into everything we do. This is why, no matter if they consciously “know” it or not, they support the enemy frontiers, team up with other jews and always seek to fuck up Gentiles. Their behavior is only a result of what they are. They are total rot. Stalin and others of the jewish race, mass murderers, perverts and criminals, they all give the definite proof. Nowadays Israel stands for itself as the proof of its own parasitic existence.

Many of us are racially mixed, more or less, but this isn't in anyway tied into personal power, standing with Satan or the Gods or whatever of that nature. We say it has to be avoided so that every Race of people can ascend, build up their Soul, thus reaching their Ancestral Mission and purpose. Race mixing causes in the majority of cases mental or physical problems. These problems do not help anyone advance spiritually, or help anywhere, society or life, or the person itself. These simply help the jews in making money from sickness and in advancing a hybrid people from all races on earth, that will be genetically debilitated to the point of total servant and slave. Those of you who have studied biology, you know that all Races do posses different IQ, different testosterone levels, what have you. These are general lines and there are always exceptions. All these things tie into this. Not all people are aggressive and many out there are slaves. This involves the hormonal system, which the enemy tries to fuck up overtime.

They work to make everyone docile and slavishly obedient, as this is their slaver agenda. Listening not because of logic or because they respect, but because they are weak. They are built slaves. And nobody who is making a farm of "goyim" likes strong or rebellious "goyim" [jewish slang for beast, for us Gentiles] to be in it. The enemy profits from weakness, stupidity and disease. They are the misery of the world and the more there is, the more they can survive and thrive. They cause misery and then, they falsely act like they are the solution to it. They do the same things with cancer, disabilities, emotional problems, people that are born retarded etc. Xianity ["Christianity", crossing out the worthless "jewsus"] teaches to keep these imbeciles around, which helps the jews in gaining more and more money and also causing whole families and lots to suffer and disappear forever. People that could otherwise have healthy children, they are bound with retarded children that drain away and destroy their lives. The meaning of having progeny in itself is fucked over. The jews benefit and rule through problems, lack of knowledge, stupidity and the cowardice of people.

We adhere by what is natural. The enemy wants to racially mix everyone to dump them into the same level of being, consciousness and ability. As one goes spiritually, they will understand that who they are is not merely eye color, hair color and butt size. Its more than this. The awareness that all that has two legs, two hands and a head is a human being, is a lie. We are all different and we are racially separated by nature. This is not bad or evil. This is beautiful. If only one type of flowers existed then it would suck. On a much more higher and exalted level, the same applies. The universe is not beautiful because everything is the same clump of shit, but because of the diversity. The meaning of life is diversity. Racial mixing destroys diversity in the long run. As Races go and they advance, the universal pattern upon which they are created, or let’s say, their purpose, unveils. We advance and more ahead like the cosmos itself. Nature intends it that way. You can see this everywhere in nature where ecosystems balance themselves. There is order in the cosmos. When this order is followed, there is happiness, especially where it involves sentient beings.

There are many Races and Subraces of the planet who are given special abilities from their Ancestors. Arabs, Celts, Tibetans, Egyptians, Norse, what have you. There are prominent people in all Races, as this is evident and also, there are always exceptions. The "general given" doesn't apply to anyone. There are geniuses and exceptions to every Race. These people exist to advance the lot of people and help others survive efficiently and so forth. One can't be sitting all day like a slob, doing nothing and then one morning, boom, they are genius. Everything, no matter how "gifted" someone is or isn't, comes with work. To think otherwise is to bullshit yourself. With meditations and all these things you posses, and with the help of the Gods, you can reach anywhere and unveil your inner talents, innate talents and beauty. The Soul comes first. In other words, the purest and best person in the planet, if they sit all day, do 24/7 bong, search for nothing and they are fucking cowards, nobody cares about them. They can be whatever they want, but they do not care.

For those of you that are mixed… STOP WORRYING NEEDLESSLY AND COMPLAINING. The enemy tries to get to everyone that for different reasons, they somehow cannot ascend or cannot gain powers and advance. This is untrue. Those of you who are mixed, as you are meditating, things will sort out and you will start being aware of who you are and where you want to gravitate racially wise. For those who are not, they are to stay in their Racial groups. I know in the 21st century things that have always been beautiful, such as TRUE racial diversity and preserving your beautiful cultures, your Spirituality and notion of the Gods, might strike some hard to understand. I understand this as the mental bombarding of the jews in Hollywood, jewtube, advertisements, philosophy, religions and schools things like this might sound strange for some.

Egoistical problems, feeling subservient, weak, stupid, whatever have you, the "Race" is not a base to solve these problems and insecurities. Everyone wants to run around claiming they are the best Race. They are trying to mimic the kikes who day and night, in the religion they have projected to their slaves [christianity and pisslam] they are somehow they chosen of "God" and that sort of thing. This is the most false way to approach this matter. It’s the same exact opposite of what we are teaching you here. They claim they are the descendants of this and that, them and those. The thing is, you are what you are. You can stuff your big ego or undermine your ego under the belt by stupid thoughts, but reality is as it is. These are merely personal issues trying to find justifications through the ways the kikes justify it themselves. Be proud of your Race, consider yourself the best, love yourself and your people. This is the recipe. It’s not the jewish version of "racism" where most idiots fall for. The jews have always been the worst of all Races…


Cunning, evil, reptilian fools who have been alien to us, have invented "religious warfare". For almost all Gentile cultures, the Gods are described as our Gods. They all have the same message and same allegories behind their religious worship, with Satan being the Leader of the Pantheons and the most blatant example, under the Names Enki, Shiva and so forth. The jews are alien to all these and like a virus, they have to find ways to adapt. They have this complex wanting to prove they are the best and the owners of the Earth and the universe even, while they are the worst and alien to everything. You are feeling subservient not because of what we teach in the Joy of Satan, but because you never quite understood it. Always in your mind has been that the "Master Race" is somehow going to kill you, or wage some sort of war, or some holohoax stories about concentration camps. Well, that is the jewish master race, as they say they are. They have dropped the term over to Whites, as because they want to kill Whites now, after they are done in the Middle East. Then others will have their turn in the jewish murder machine.

They have proclaimed themselves that sort of thing and they have decimated peoples like the millions upon millions Philistines, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Middle Easterns, Iraqi, Chinese, many Whites such as Ancient Greeks and so forth who have been murdered by the jews. Now as you read this, Palestinian children and Middle Easterns are being butchered. Whites are attacked under the jewish immigration “policies”. Poor Africa is being plundered and people are worked to death for shekels so the kikes can live in mansions, Communist China is crumbling and the people are working enslaved into this Jewish Machine, which makes the jews and their corps profit. Southern Korea lives in a Jewish Communist dictatorship, America is being destroyed from within with Jewbama creating false shootings and wanting to impose military law, Russia is being ruled by a Monarch crypto-jew, Greece is getting plundered by the jewish Banksters.

And you question yourself what they are going to do if we let them?
And you question who the real “Racist” is and who the inventor of such false notion of “racism”?
And who will decimate everyone as they see fit?

Just look around you. Open a fucking bible, or the Black Book of Communism. OR else stay blind and keep lying to yourself that all is good. Cry 6 million tears at night and nail yourself upon the sorry cross. Go by what you learned by the dozens of idiots who know nothing and never even bothered to think or study. In the end share their fate and condemn everyone else to the result of your own stupidity. Write the same in the book of the fate of the world like them. Never in history any Race but the jewish one has been more predatory than them and nobody has ever undone more other "tribes" and peoples.

How much "Diversity" will exist if people keep race mixing, let’s say for 2000 years? None. All that there will be will be a perfect, entirely genetically destroyed idiot, who will reap and sow the Earth (if anything has remained of it) so the kikes will eat their dung and stand like an effendi. That’s all there will be if the enemy gets their way. Leftists, liberals and other fools claim about Travelling, Diversity and that sort of thing. Diversity exists so long Races exist. As these exist, they all create different and beautiful cultures, foods, what have you. The reason you want to travel the world is because there are many different things that are creations of different peoples and Races for you to see. You want to see what others have materialized from within themselves. I want to be able to see these beautiful Hindu Monasteries, these grand Shaolin temples, these beautiful Greek Monuments, or these Ziggurats, or these Pyramids. I want to be able to see the difference and exaltation of beauty and diversity. The different approaches of Spirituality, the different and eternal pathways every member of every Race and all the Races together can take. I want a world where there are beautiful people of all Races, having friendly relations and they are helping each other reach their divine Spiritual purpose as much as it can happen.

To the enemy all this means nothing. They just want a senseless clump living in its own shit, so it can serve these alien cockroaches, in a physical world of technological slavery which they will have enforced upon the pig man that they will have bred.

We Gentiles are of the same seed of Satan and therefore, we are all inheritors of this Earth. The jews are alien and predatory. For them, all terms that are sane and beautiful to us, are insane and ugly to them. The term "Race" for us means mutual respect, understanding and eternal mission in accordance to the Eternal Wheel of the Cosmos. To the kikes, Race means "my racial reptilian mafia, with which I must undo all others because I am a fucking reptilian alien". This is what most people react to when they hear the term "Race". They think about the Whites, Blacks or someone else. This is a lie. They react to the propaganda that the enemy has infested their brains with. This is not only far from the Truth, this is the opposite of it. This is how the enemy as they are alien to us, have always thought. This is not "Race" or "Racialism" In anyway. This is just jews jewing.

Neither is the Racial Law (that by the way, all sentient beings in the universe follow except stupid Earth Humanity, even its enemies) something to frown upon. It’s something to cherish for. We are all in the wheel of Dharma, as Gentile Comrades, against anything evil that is to plague us, separated, beautiful and supportive of one another, with respect of everyone’s diversity. That you will see yourself and advance humanity in your racial offspring, this is to be cherished. That your eyes will be looking inside the eyes of your children and you will see yourself, this is a blessing.

Now for many here life is settled, as in, people might have adopted kids from other Races, people who are adopted, they might have had children with people of other Races and that sort of thing. This is understandable and nobody is asked to blow their lives up. Upholding the Truth though is important, as for those who want to accept some laws. Understanding the higher Truth and melting in it, this is the highest thing you can do for yourself. Humans, unless we are elevated, at the level the enemy has created, we are nothing. We come and go like dust. What remains is the Soul, the Race, the imprint we leave on the planet and the cause of the Gods, the legacy, like the ones left to us by our Ancestors through which we can even work spiritually. This is their greatness. Open your eyes to the Truth.

The Ancients mention in all their cultures that at the time of the Age of Darkness, the Attas of Light, Gods and Men will unite and fight the forces of evil and darkness / spiritual degradation. This is where we must totally unite, totally diverse from each other but with the strongest of bonds, as this is our strength, under our COMMON Gods, our COMMON Banner, our COMMON Leader and Father, Satan and destroy totally our COMMON enemy, the filthy judes. With our COMMON effort, with a COMMON crushing and deadly blow!!!



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