poniedziałek, 6 listopada 2017

Damaging The Enemy with Truth

Damaging The Enemy with Truth

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

Many people are wondering when it comes to some things and how they did happen. If you pay close attention in history, you will see the momentary victories of the jews didn't happen by their own power by any means, but by the power of their retarded opponents.

This is because the jew is powerful in these matters, but through magic, lying and subversion (by the art of deception thou shall wage war) they have brought their enemies to destroy themselves.

One typical example is how they used the Christian retards to kill their own Pagan blood people, or how they used particular tribes in Africa, turning half of them Christian and half of them Muslim, and putting them to kill one another mercilessly. No jews died in any of these wars.

As with anything else, the jews hate their own methods being practiced on them, which is the worst.

The jews now are in power, and they heavier stakes for them are for their own weight to fall upon themselves, not for the 'goyim' to jump on top of their head. You can see this in how they collapsed their own media (we helped them didn't we...) or how they revealed election frauds, how jews opened their mouth and spoke openly about their agenda and so forth.

Given the jewish nature, as we enter a climax, this will only continue. If they had kept this all secret, they would have won, but what they have accomplished now is turn all the world against them, and at best they can only hope to keep on the same route.

The enemy is only surviving because they keep Spiritual Satanists on the side, and away from any influential positions or any influential work. This is because we know the full Truth and facts, as handed down by the only real enemies that pissrayel does have. This is the worst and the most toxic thing.

Any time wasted to push the message, raise websites, archive in jewtube, or spread PDFs, is not wasted time, you are changing lives of people even if just 20 people see the videos. One thing leads to another, the key is for you to open up a hole in the enemy ship, and then it starts to sink.

There are intelligent people out there, but the enemy controlling all communication, doesn't let clever people associate. This is helping the enemy and their agenda. Check one example for instance about this seemingly small YT channel I made. As a result I don't have 'fun time' no more, but rather spend any time I have made a space for helping in internet warfare. It actually educated a few hundred people over the reality of Satanism and that we are not some monsters like the enemy claims. This continues so long there is backup and so long we do this, nobody can really stop us.

Our Truth is undeniable and based on facts, and therefore unbeatable. They can only hide this and this can only go that far. I wasn't that good at making videos, I sat down and learned, and this material has to move and circulate on it's own with our help. It may look little today but we have no idea to whose computer it will end, and how they will take the matter.

The jews are hanging from a thread. One thread is christianity, which is their savior through weakening their enemies (spiritual power). The other thread is the invasions and the bad life conditions of goyim which do not allow them to have power over them (this is the material reality, finances etc).

Communication and politics is the last frontier, in which they have failed extremely miserably as they are not having any leadership talents or any real care to lead anyway. They are collapsing in all areas.

The war of information really does win all of the above. With 15 minutes a day, you can wreak them damage that they tried to save themselves from in tens of centuries. In other words, you have power over the enemy given the massive leverage of their crimes and so forth. USE IT.

Everyone has 10 minutes a day and you can effectively use them to spam and do even the smallest deed to harm the enemy in some way. Little by little, their ship will sink. The minds of people after all the crimes of the enemy are VERY fertile to the Truth at this point, and thanks to the RTRs this is so.

Also, a big thank you to all the people down in the frontiers. We will be victorious in the end.

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