czwartek, 23 listopada 2017

The Backstabbing of "Nationalism"

The Backstabbing of "Nationalism"

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

It's interesting how many White people are actually having a very false conception of Nationalism. Some of which even builds against National Socialism. The jews have created a second box of narratives to trap people who are 'waking up' to Nationalism to an extent, making Nationalism basically infected to a high degree of incompetence.

Here we have the meme's that if Hitler had won, all the West would be speaking German, and would be like enslaved to the National Socialists. Little these people know and observe in History, Hitler's own writings, and above all, Hitler's own ACTIONS who speak larger than any mere 'word'. Hitler was a man of actions first, not only words.

The example of the French is that actually, Hitler put aside all the enmity and hatred against the French after the war with them was over. The retaliation of the French against the Germans in WW1 has made many Germans be extremely hateful of the French. Hitler however looked beyond the jewish enforced Memes in history. That have Whites infighting since forever, to kill one another for no reason whatsoever.

Practically, he annihilated them, and he had complete and total power over France. A few "Nationalists" of his own also told him to blow the Eiffel tower to pieces, because well, "Muh Nationalism" and we should show "Our Big Balls" to the "French". This is the typical, "Nationalist" behavior. Nationalism is like National Socialism for the unenlightened.

Now we are entering a new era of enlightenment, that of National Socialism. Nationalism is an obsolete, false structure. Most things in "Nationalism" don't even belong in the "Nationals" anyway, such as Christianity and other "Cultural" things that are cultural injections by international jewry. Nationalism always found itself powerful to defend its own territory, simply because, it had no real spiritual foundation.

You cannot be praying to Rabbi Christ and be expecting to be saved by Rabbis. This pseudo-Nationalism is also rooted deeply in Christianity, its sects, and many other divisive lines amongst White people, that have always ruined us, destroyed us, and made us have white-racial warfare. This is the same thing jews have done in Africa and elsewhere. The jews divided the African tribes in Christians, Islamists, and the native Pagans, and made all of them have civil warfare with one another.

The same thing has been attempted in Europe, and this has well succeeded. At the height of this operative of the jews, Europe has risked more than once complete extinction.

Now pseudo-Nationalism and the weak "Right", are of course powerless to resist the wave of immigration, social decay, and all other things that plague us and want to destroy us. This is for the simple reason there is no real spiritual foundation in Nationalism. At best, false history is being praised, and a rabbi on a stick is being worshiped. It's to be noted also I had many influences of "Nationalism" while growing up (Same as from the traditional left) so this is what helped me understand the intelligence in National Socialism.

So going back to the "Nationalists" of Germany, these people are not really motivated by very serious visions. They were decent, powerful conservative warriors, but when the future called for a new vision, they simply fell short. The junkers in the army wanted retaliation against the French, and the destruction of Eifell tower as a symbol of destroying the French on the soul level pretty much.

Hitler, however, did see one White Folk, with a different culture and background. For this reason, Hitler did not attack French culture or destroy the Eiffel tower which was a symbol of it. Hitler left French civilization intact. The same thing happened in Hellas / Greece and in England. When the junkers advised for Hitler to bomb kindergartens and schools as Churchill did, as an act of 'demoralization' and 'humiliation', Hitler just refused.

Sometimes people are also oblivious to the fact of how many thousands actually helped and fought together with the National Socialists for a Europe United, with sovereign states, exactly the opposite of what the jewish EU of Kalergi has done. This was also done to poison the idea of a United Europe, in case the experiment failed. As the bible says, the sons of "Esau" (European Gentiles) will not be able to cleave to one another, and they will perish as a result.

Hitler wasn't carrying a war for "Nationalism", but National Socialism. The future. Hitler had divided and dissected the jewish cancer from Socialism and Nationalism, and formulated the new and revolutionary system to lead his race onward. Hitler also was of the belief of ruling like Alexander the Great, in short, everyone should be allowed to follow their own culture and policy, but they would be under the same common Reich. Which would shield and protect all the numerous cultures in its midst.

At best these "Nationalists" are severely uneducated. If one goes to the older generations, they just hold senseless grudges based on false history, or even defending their jew on the stick. The traditional "Nationalist" is the first one to also take the bible out, and make the stupid comment in the room.

They are also the types who always want to force Christianity, and always want to make sure that their Rabbi is served if they are to, you know, give a hand to protect their race from extinction. Nationalism on its own has a lot of christian fetishism, something you cannot blame the people about, but the politicians who used Christianity as their main tool to power. The same thing was done by the Roman empire, and it collapsed within a century. Nationalism due to its spiritual foundation and false historical conception, is doomed to fail.

One just needs to look at the "Kings" of Christian Europe, to understand that despite their heroism, they were all fighting in jewish, christian proxy wars for Christianity, and maintaining the hidden jewish power in Europe and in every court. Europe sunk at the all time lowest when Christianity, the root of this false "Nationalism" came in a prominent position in the Dark Ages.

It was the worst time ever in the history of Europeans. As for the "Christian Leaders", corrupted by their court jews and their banking and money-lending system, were left powerless like the later Roman emperors. Which was the main cause of white racial warfare. Just look at Africa, the same exact thing is done right now by the jews in places such as Liberia.

Of course, other atrocities were committed against Pagan Europeans who killed them by the droves. All of that for what? Maintaining Rabbinism. Sorry I meant Christianity and the later values that came to constitute Christian Nationalism.

Lastly, to close this message, Whites will be FORCED to consider new systems of governing themselves, on a massive basis. With the age of Aquarius, and mass human population, comes the demand for White people to band together, and leave entirely the old- jew-infested petty aside. This is for our future. Whites are basically the endangered species of the planet right now.

For "Nationalists" and others who cannot tolerate an alliance that puts the Blood first, this is to be expected. Every "Nationalist" will have to make a choice: Either you go one foot here, and the other there, and form a schizoid personality between the jewish infested past, or you just shed off that jewish tattoo'ed skin to free yourself.

Unfortunately, the future will enforce this upon us, whether we like it or not. The same question will come to all other Gentile Races. Will they keep with the jewish infestation, or will they fight it? This is only because globalism and the jewish power that has risen so high, can be seen by everyone, same as the tentacles it has raised to strangle people.

Race comes first and foremost, Race is the intention of "God" in the same example, or Nature, or how one wants to name it- the higher order. You are not born a christian, or a nationalist, but you are born White, or essentially in any other Gentile race. That right there is a mandate of what you are supposed to work for, and build.

In short, the question will be, are you going to be falsely egotistic and concern yourself only with your subjective experience about existence? Or raise yourself in a higher level of understanding that is more spiritual, and understands the fundamentals for the future?

This sums up the issue of "Nationalism" in a concise manner. For some people "Nationalism" is a positive stepping stone for now, and jews exploit this fact, to keep people in a false positive lukewarm position. It's at least a beginning.

And in anyway, Christianity is largely dead within the White community. Pay attention though to how the people with the old grudges try to make this into a good thing, or try to fall into the same trap the Roman emperors and other older European leaders did. To use Christianity as a uniting, communist power to compensate for their own lack of cultural creativity or lack of White Ancestral knowledge.

There are also jews and their indoctrinated spawns who do this on purposes, even if the Truth is known, or blatantly obvious. These are the weak, whom as we know for a fact, have fallen for jewish brainwashing and magic. And the straight falling in the pit the jews have prepared for the White people in case they revolt. Through unconscious control and spiritual control, the jew always holds the chains in the mind of White people.

Remember: White people have been backstabbed-betrayed by jewish controlled (((Nationalism))) since forever. The fruit of this betrayal we will readily see again in our times.

The left, the right, the center, and all the sides of the same coin, have always resulted in the furthering of the same agenda.

National Socialism NEVER betrayed White people.

Hitler was a real God, he didn't need any cultural backup from a Rabbi. And definitely, neither do any White people worldwide, no matter their more specific culture. Nobody can disagree on that. However, a flower in the soil may rise from an old see, the new tree needs new cutting, new cultivation and new understanding to become a glorious tree.

This will be the tree of life of the White people. Not the jewish tree of life, but the Ancient Yggdrasil…

In short.

"Nationalism" as is understood for around a century now, roughly belongs to the lazy baby boomers of the older generations who had it all for free but still they wanted to maintain a false aura of antagonism and enmity against their own race and people, and rejected them over border or financial policies, while they were in fact the same beings in blood and spirit.

To increase "Competitiveness", many also pretended to be "Racist" but they were the first generation to actually have the looting, robbing, and shattering open of their countries happen so easily. It’s the first time in human history that Europe is being invaded and nobody has raised a war, an axe, or hammer immediately. At least these people understood that our lands do MATTER. They weren't just Nationalist.

They were much more. They understood blood and soil, not only socio-economic and pseudo-cultural norms and numbers. We could call them proto-National Socialists in many ways.

In many cases, they unconsciously assisted the destroyers. They were going to church and the only thing they looked forward, was the Rabbi Yashua (Jesus Christ) would save their borders. And some jewish politicians were fine because why not. All their problems weren't fought by them, but the system. Nationalism became increasingly nonsense, as Globalism marched forward unimpeded. The Nationalists also ate from the honey cyanide of "Christianity", which guaranteed the jews maintained power, position, and also existence within their countries.

There is no real "RACIAL" element in Nationalism. Just some random bullshit about jewish generated, imaginary, and fairly recent culture. The jews can easily control this by controlling information, public and press. And therefore Nationalism became Christianity and Materialism 2.0. Without any serious physical background. This we can also call "Conservatism", which was the part of the two sided jewish game of "Conservatism" and "Progression", both of which were owned by jews and have an equal power in working as a dual force in ruining the whole "West".

Many people who either shill or lack knowledge, say that Christianity made the West, we live in Western civilization and should be thankful. One needs to look at the Ancient White people such as in Greece and elsewhere to realize the real light of civilization again such as philosophy, mathematics, science, architecture and everything else came from these regions. Pagans.

The church destroyed this, plunged us into ten centuries of the darkest of ages the likes of which never found us ever before, and then with its power that has regressed, we rose again. Napoleon Bonaparte was the herald of this change, that of Classical Enlightenment. Which was exactly the opposite of Christianity. And annihilated all its values.

Christianity moved from being a ruling political power, and was reduced to 'religion'. It always tried to re-grasp power, and given the control of information, occasionally parade as even the "CATALYST" or the "CAUSE" of such evolution. All of which we can easily debunk by looking at their own beliefs. And above all - ACTIONS AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE.

"Nationalists" of the baby boomer, Sunday school, brainwashing generation do not know, or deny these facts. In short, they had no real deep ethics, and were really malleable. Only the spiritually young (has nothing to do with physical age) and fertile White Souls will understand what these things mean, and will be able to transcend past their 'time spectrum' and consciousness as it was malformed by the church. These people are the wise of their generation. However most of these "Nationalists" basically are nothing compared to this.

We "excuse" them for this, and we understand it, but we can never hope to fall in the same rut hole. Why do we excuse them? Because unlike them, we see the jewish parasite and the work it has done on their minds, life, and historical conception. We also know the deeper occult mechanics that have been used against them.

However, IF THERE IS an attempt on attacking us, subverting the greater needs that have arose now, and trying to impose rabbis and imaginary hatreds within our struggle, than…

That all they were busy about is having an easy life, being hippies, loving the progressive neo-judaism left, and at the same time maintaining some false positive "Nationalism" to not feel guilty about the fact they no longer had values of worth like their Ancestors. This later become Nationalistic "Liberalism" and other hybrids, that eventually resulted to what we have today. I.E. extinction.

The Nationalists of WW1 and prior were closer to National Socialism than actual "Nationalism". The wise and those who are really interested in our existence have to understands this, same as have to do all other Gentile people who find themselves in other Gentile Races plagued by jewish psy-op programs, religiously or culturally.

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