środa, 1 listopada 2017

Reiki and Spiritual Satanism

Reiki and Spiritual Satanism

Author: HP Hooded Cobra
If you think that mixing poisonous diarrhea which we can alternatively name as angelic reiki, with pure fresh water that is nourishing for the soul and that is drinkable such as Spiritual Satanism...You're mistaken.

Not only they scammed you 300$ to teach you absolutely nothing, which you could easily learn online, but they have to brainwash you while you pay on top of it.

You will not be thinking about the 300$ when you will see the adverse effects of seeing the negative influences of these entities on you. These meditations snap bolts in the mind that are difficult to fix.

A few hundred dollars are literally not worth your mental health and your mental mind getting destroyed in useless things such as the 'ocean of love'.

All people who have been into 'angelic reiki' have always been open and susceptible to the enemy, and they always revert and lost their willpower. This is not a joke. I sit there to warn you for a reason.

The methods of 'reiki' are nothing but energetical healing. This is purely useless, and on top of it, this bullshit is a money making scheme. After this, they will tell you to get into another class, and then another, until they have cashed in some tens of thousands from you. To teach you things you can get taught in the frontpage of the beginners meditation's in JoS.

Alternatively, hanging around these people who are in league with the angels, will have spiritually damning effects. They will take notice of you. And their souls are literally mentally ill, as their 'lovely' teachings.

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