piątek, 17 listopada 2017

Who Is Responsible Really...

Who Is Responsible Really...

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

In this world many people are fooled by the lie of democracy that people actually have "Free Will" and that they also "DECIDE" anything on a higher level. This is based on the pretext of the fact that they vote. Maybe in some cases it does matter, but in most matters, it matters not one inch.

Now there are people who are harsh judges to others, and especially if you are a bit misanthropic as a personality (When you see the swine level of humans I can't really blame you...) you may actually want them to burn themselves alive. I myself have frequent worry coupled with rage over the fact of how stupid humanity has become. We are literally risking our own extinction. However, who is this "WE"?

If you go a few decades back, you will see that most people, in most places of the world, hardly knew how to type down their own name. This is a fact. In most historical instances, the people only decide indirectly, and that is done through leaders they elect, support, or other things like that. This is a natural thing, as in a hall, there can't be talking 15000 people at the same time, but only few people so that the things are understood correctly.

To not over-extend the matter, in most cases, humans have never been asked, in any country or state, what do they want. The enemy who rules the system we are living right now, they give the illusion of asking through elections. People actually go and elect people, based on propaganda, advertising, and their own moral standards. It's rare that actually people know what is really going on.

In the past, illiteracy and other things kept people from deciding, but as we can see today, the very 'literate' can also be equally as dumb if not more, as the (((Intelligence))) can make one lose one's sanity quite easily.

If we go generations back however, people had hardly any access to knowledge, let alone any 'power' to decide events. Power was only in the hands of the rich, jewish religious charlatans, or the politicians pretty much. Oh and of course Rabbis and other such people as we know, but who cares right?

When one rises in spiritual power and understanding, one of the reason you can easily become a misanthrope and completely give up on humanity is the fact that people are acting and living like swine. Overly convinced about all the lies they have been told, others afraid, and other worthless, they let the impending (((powers))) that be, destroy the planet, and do whatever they see fit. One cannot take this responsibility away from them. They are bound by ignorance, fear, and many other things.

Unfortunately not many people are willing to take a stand, and what the enemy has achieved is to create an internal jewish police in people that tells them what they can do, cannot do, and what they better be doing. This is motivated by lack of knowledge, or fear. For those who are more 'dangerous' and aren't concerned in any of the above, there are other offers, such as, hey homie, be a useless individual bro - and achieve nothing in your existence but waste it doing YOLO. This is how it is today, but this has been analogous in previous centuries as well.

Aside from the East and in place like China, Spiritual power was an unknown term. Yoga and Meditation knowledge, after all the Pagans have been killed, and except of few people going undercover, has been hidden from roughly 99% of the populace in the West. This was done by jews who have purposefully killed these people through their programs. In short, nobody had any spiritual power, let alone anything else. How can people actually make 'choices' when they don't even know how to write their own name down?

Maybe in the three latest centuries, people actually have had more of a will and a chance. What Satan told me at some point was that many people when they died, they went to them, and they were totally oblivious, they had no idea where they were, who the Gods were, or what was going on in reality at all. In some cases they were informed, and the people frequently replied that they had no clue as there was nothing remotely that could give them opportunity to see what is going on.

People reincarnate, and people forget. Therefore such experience is most of the time forgotten, and may, in weak and souls who have no past lives with the Gods, just become liquidated into nothingness. Therefore people return and lives are wasted again, and again.

Satan and the Gods have worked and now the knowledge is on the public. Now if one wants to meditate, 'save their soul', advance spiritually, or understand and know things about the Gods, they can. I have lost track on how many values have been written. Additionally, if one wants to fight and wants to change things through spiritual power and effort with us here, they also can. People in the past more than likely could NOT.

In other words, Satan gives power to the common man to prove himself for whatever he is to be. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. Now the system worldwide is pretty rigged, and in many cases the (((Plutocracy))) just reforms itself over and over again. Same jews just different age, for example.

It's from now on that we should be asking responsibility from the "goyim". Maybe many of them have had the benefit of ignorance, but right now, where in google one can make a search and in five minutes come to find a lot of things. It only boils down to fear, boredom, stupidity, being a willing cattle etc, and being a worthless entity, pretty much.

There are always and forever the blockheads and the idiots who do not understand the importance of this undertaking, or constantly fall victim to stupid energies such as 'not giving a damn'. The enemy knows really well how to 'use' this. Essentially they are not lazy as their suffering takes too much ignorance, and they wilfully force themselves so much just to be ignorant.

It's a law of the universe however that the universe will beat the hell out of these people, until they wake up, as ignorance is not in favor of life. Most people are living an entirely whack existence, and they desire to not wake up, for example.

Experience with many of our members who are VIPS or are older, shows for a fact that TRUTH IS A CHOICE. These people have lived their whole lives under the radar, but never gave up. I know a person in their 70's who dedicated, and the last months of their life meditated and tried to become better about their life. Therefore, what excuses does anyone else have to do nothing?

I have seen many cases of different people over the years. Now this guy had over 5 hours a day looking for his dealer in the streets to find some weed, as weed was very scarce to his location where he was living. It was nevertheless extremely hard for them to find weed, but they were searching for it everywhere.

Everyday from the stories I heard, he was risking his life by dealing and all sorts of other things. By coincidence, he has found the JoS, was even dedicated for a while. Dabbling on IF they should finally "grace" their crappy self meditating, LOL. But you know, ten minutes a day are too much to do any spiritual pursuit. They were rather busy pursuing their drug dealer around, which must have been jewish as well. Who knows in what scat they are swimming today. He infrequently risked going to jail and all sorts of other things.

I am wondering, if he spent these 5 hours a day doing research, meditation, growing wealth, or build their body in their gym, where they would be now? They chose to just chase a kike around to give them their next shot. Who knows if they are dead in an alley today?

I happen to know another case who was living with other people and did yoga in a dirty bathroom. Because this is how much they wanted and desired to better their condition. Now who do you think the Gods are going to help in their time of need?

The Gods don't ask you to give everything you have. They ask you to give to YOURSELF, what you can.

You will get what you're after, you know? Even if you don't define it, you're still after something. If you're after nothing, you will get nothing.

I tell you one thing, if you are sitting on this spiritual mine-gold and do nothing, but just waste your existence, don't go back and beg the Gods for 'Forgiveness' all the time. You're only betraying yourself, and this is not some sexy masochism that turns you on, for the sadistic high of sex or something. It's something really ugly, and costly, that is no fun.

Because you will have ruined yourself, by yourself, all for yourself. And you must pay this burden yourself. Many people sacrifice their existence over the movie that is called life, to try to be the best actor, but few people have wisdom to understand that in order to be a good 'actor' in this movie of goyim, one has also to rehearse - this is meditation in a stupid explained sense.

Giving up on spirituality is essentially the same as giving up food. It's just not intelligent to give up your food, ESPECIALLY to all people here who spiritually, have a FULL FRIDGE NOW AND FOR ALL TIME! If you die from 'hunger', then don't blame the Gods or anyone. You were too busy plugged in the jewtrix to give 10 or 15 minutes a day to feed your soul with the necessary things to exist, thrive and grow?

Then maybe you should die off shouldn't you...

Sorry buddy: the Gods aren't going to concern themselves with that. We have many people who are STARVING to understand out there and we must reach them. Many people are in danger, need help, and the Gods also have a planet to run. They have plenty of time for thirstiness of wisdom, but for people like that, they can't have time....

Robbed, killed, scammed, spat upon by the jews, they insist on following their fictitious programs, fighting the people who make a stand, and pose an obstacle for any betterment that is to come upon humanity. This also includes many people who are prominent, rich, or live life for fun, and their only concern is to choose sunglasses, cars, or houses.

Both the poor and the rich goyim, still remains a goyim if they do not understand the significance of doing at least the LEAST necessary for one's spiritual existence. "Death" is called the great awakener, for when one suddenly leaves all things behind, they are left only with one thing they could and should be, at least, giving SOME NECESSARY ATTENTION: the Soul.

It's the only thing in the universe that really belongs to you and only you, and nobody can take it from 'you'. All of us know at least one of these idiots. Fate, and unfortunately the enemy too, keep beating them. Many will never wake up, and will put themselves to sleep by their own admission and stupidity.

One last thing, the generations that are coming now for the last three decades in the planet, they were very entitled, maybe even sheltered, and had many things easily that others did not. One example is how many people due to the jewish system do not meditate. Those who concern themselves only with living life as "YOLO" and don't do one thing to better themselves, are deplorable to say the least, and nobody, especially here, will accept tales of failure or other things.

You have knowledge that people haven't had in aeons, there is knowledge everywhere, the last thing that remains is for you to make a decision if you are going to be a slave or cattle. I suppose the striking majority here has made our choice to be free. For those still dabbling on the fence, or going back and forth between Goyim and Free Man, you have to give one final blow to this Goyim, because it's responsible for all wrongdoing and all bad things humanity has done not only to itself, and to one another, but the general condition of the planet, too.

Goyim can go find their master, and beg for transient loot and whatever crap their masters projected to them.

Satan wants an army only of free men, those who always strive to understand and become more, as the Gods.

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