poniedziałek, 6 listopada 2017

I’m going nowhere

I’m going nowhere

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

Take how old are you (I am not really asking). Now from this, subtract the amount of years you have never meditated or used your mind. Do you expect in the 4 months you have been meditating to do the following?

1. Rewire your subconscious mind fully?
2. Change your whole body, which is tied to the above?
3. Achieve the advanced powers who have been lost to humans, to control your life with your mind?
4. Levitate or any other such extreme powers which are only imagined in video games and not even then?
5. Change all your habits like bad diet, and change all the framework of this?

The list goes on.

Do you go for 4 months to the gym and complain that you cannot compete to the Olympics, after a lifetime of flabbiness, obesity, and a body that cannot take it? The same goes for spirituality and spiritual degeneration. All humans suffer from this, big time.

Meditation takes time. And also, it depends on one's work in prior lifetimes. There are no freebies.

You want to open up the mind and do unimaginable things in your reality? You will have to strive. Nature intended it that way. For thousands of years humans have been trying to crack this code and to avoid the work it entails, and this requires tenacity. Those who persist, will win in the end.

In other words, it's your conception. Not what you do or it's not working. If you meditate, you DO advance. The fact you have had strange or bizarre expectations, brought you on your 'wits end'.

Start by reprogramming your mind to open up to meditation slowly. This can be done automatically by practicing meditation.

Getting fed up is no reason enough to quit a prospect like meditation.

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