czwartek, 1 listopada 2018

On repeating problems related to society

On repeating problems related to society

Author: HP Hooded Cobra

Between liberation and slavery only lies a thin line. Many women think they are being 'liberated' and they cannot form a household, will go extinct or end up unhappy as a result. This is not liberation, this is death.

A woman wandering alone all her life without any family and maniacally seeking foreigners to fuck and botox surgery at her 70's and 80's is just not a sight one enjoys seeing. Where is the liberation here in that example?

On the contrary, to full 'liberated slutdom' we have the other instability which is the full constrain of women by christianity or islam. This is equally if not more dangerous than slutdom. Actually both are equally evil, but they touch different sources and decay different aspects in society.

Women are unhappy in both of these states as both these states are unnatural. Jews don't push women in the kitchen, all the talmud keeps repeating the castrated woman on one page and the viral carrier whore in the next page. Gentile women are accused of prostitution but this is more like jewish will rather than reality.

This is how the jew calls us all Goyim constantly, not because we are truly animals, but because they wish we were, becuase they understand how bad it would be for us to be in that state. Similarly they call women sluts all the time.

Women are free in neither state of the above. What many people call 'liberation' is only becoming mass degeneracy past a point. We have long been past that point. Actually, quite an amount women have become decadent aside 'liberated' in more than one ways, and I am sure many women here can see this in their woman friends or other women they know. How many of you girls here have a friend who has done all the bad decisions in her life, and still believes she is 'free' and all the bollocks?
To literally go in one night stands, have sex with whatever crosses you, and then question yourself tommorow who's the dad of the kid doesn't sound very liberated to me. It sounds to me like fully lost and in need of help, and fast.

Sluts who viciously attack the emotions of innocents are not to be honored as 'liberated'. A single corrupted woman can corrupt hundreds of men in her lifetime at the relationship pace of the 21st century if she is dirty and negatively promiscuous and become a living biohazard to any society.
Similar to the above is the man-slut, or a man who just goes around spreading destruction to women's hearts for no apparent reason, which all of such creates a vicious circle in the already bleeding relationships between people.

Slutdom is not freedom. One is enslaved to inner soul diseases that they spread to other innocent people. And it has also to be recognized many women have become terraformed and are spreading this to the average working (and actually decent) man, who yes, after all, deserves to be able to get laid on his level without needing three mansions and their personal jet (or just be drug users because druggies r cool) because the jews created these jewish standards to conquer the goyim with.
There are all sorts of garbage men that are worthless in every way and just oxygen consumers and get laid more than normal people who at least contribute something, even minor, to existence.
The laws of nature have been overthrown at this point so to say men do not have women simply because they are "BETA" is just bullshit fallacies all over again, and one should not create theories if they are not actively engaged with women and the construction of the jew in the century 21'st century woman's brain.

To name one example many decent (or at least visually decent) women are sliming with the lowest slimes of this earth, and men can see this and understand this is wrong. We are talking going after short, fugly, worthless, broke, penniness, filled with viral diseases, parasites, and running after these people. And freely giving themselves to these biohazards, while playing hard to get to any decent man out there. This is because the jew has been programming women to self-destruction from a very young age, by relating the above men who die from drugs like worthless cockroaches, as something cool, and other related fallacies.

For a person that does not know the deeper web of this, and just observes the above, the only reasonable understanding is that they will blame women as a species.

Similarly to turn the above around many women observe men who are equally just attracted to the trash of the earth, while great women just go by unnoticed, many having good hearts, souls, and being very beautiful. Women who see this can just resort to hate men and one cannot blame them.
The aboves are symptoms of massive jewish social corrosion. There is subhuman trash walking this planet that under no decent circumstance could keep this up going, and also, be considered attractive for being literally the trash of the universe. However as with anything else the jew has studied the goyim brain and brainwashes the slaves to get attracted to the potentially worse mates, to keep the goyim in bleeding hearts and societies forever.

The MGTOW is retarded in how they whine and cry about this situation with women, but part of the MGTOW that draws men is all the above inconsistencies which are created in the Jewtrix inside the mind of the opposite gender. The purpose of the MGTOW is to satisfy the people fell into this pit with more of the same shit that lead into the pit, ie, that women are sluts, that woman nature is retarded etc.

Essentially, men will hate the victim.

On the other side, many women resort to radical Feminism because they feel fed up and they want to puke with all the jewish 'beauty standards' and all the things 'women must do' in order to be 'woman enough'. This burdens both men and women, makes them hate one another, and their own nature.
Then, women will hate the men, which are also victims.

With the two groups in clashing and opposition there is no union, and where there is no union, there is no reproduction or a rise in intellectual conversation. So the jew remains cloaked and people misdirected to hate random things that just pass by, like dogs chasing car wheels, while the jew rides the car itself.

Both the above movements and many others were designed because there are actual social issues underlying these at some point in history. And they have a partial logic to them for the afflicted people, and that's why people get in these movements to protest society. The majority of people in these movement are victims and not offenders, and some of them also experience true perils, in the MGTOW, Feminism, or GBLT and such.

The jew just creates these movements in a way that they short-circuit and just reinforce the problems that already lead people to these situatons aka to create a vicious never ending circle that increases the jewish shit and self-destruction on society.

For example, many people end up in the MGTOW because of hate for not having success with women or wrong play and treatment with women. By getting in the MGTOW this is only increases the initial problem, by bolstering hatred and wrong understanding of women, one that simply leads to an even worse situation than when the person was in the beginning.

Many women enter Feminism because they are fed up with how women are treated in society, social icons imposed on women and so forth. Then when they become Feminists they become the perfect caricature the jew needs to get anyone in dislike of this to give them viable reasons to say that women must be forced back to the kitchen.

Lastly we have movements like the GBLT. People fed up by sexual supression and society not getting they are different, they get into the GBLT. The GBLT of jews gives them a dildo, sticks it on their head, and tells them to go in parades on the street where children 8 years old twerk in the middle of 10 grown adults who video tape it. Then normal people see this and simply say the GBLT needs to be destroyed.

This is sort of like medication. If you start to take medication for diseases you do not have, you may become seriously ill. The jew teaches people to act like ill even in cases where society has healed, such as let's say the acceptance of third sex.

Instead of improving on this acceptance the jew instructs its victims to act like it's the renaissance over and over again and point guns at people's faces. We have been past the renascence phases for all the above things like third sex, women etc.

But the jew pushes this to maddening extremes while slower integration is required and where only spiritual understanding can further fix. Hoping to create a cataclysmic backlash and re-instate the torah order that wants all gays to burn, all women to be castrated, and all men cucked to rabbi jesus until the end of time while giving their daughters for free to invaders and kikes.

Torah is simply based on the Rotha of keeping the eternal shit that plagues Gentiles and jewish curses on Gentiles going forever. We must break these in society and we will be free of all these repeating problems. We have defeated many of these problems and we will only win further.

To name a last example is the Satanist example. Society is past the point of accepting us, we are here. What the real challenge now is, is to prove to the world that Satanism is actually a good thing, and that was never a sick or perverted thing. According to jews like the CoS this is best achieved by dressing like a crazy bat, drinking cups of fake blood, and having egopathic dementia coupled with a repulsive dressing code.

"Rabbis orders goy, do the above, and your ancestral religions will be taken very seriously, trust me goyim".

Lastly all these ruptures in external society are rooted in the soul and ruptures and damages in our souls as a species. If people repaired their souls, cleaned the filth from their soul, this would externally manifest in the internal conditions for our world. If the black man united his own very soul, he would not desire a white woman simply because he would be married to his own soul, aka, the black part of his soul, and he would need a black woman to fully express this energy in his life. Things just return to natural order that way. Simply by people being spiritual. This is the end of the jew if this happens in any serious way.

So the key here is to teach people basic spiritual knowledge and carry the warfare against the enemy who keeps putting negatives on the backs of Gentiles all the time.

In the end the Torah will be broken in 6 trillion pieces, now and forever. And humanity will be free.

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